Module 3

The Atmosphere

Further Your Knowledge

Gases in the Atmosphere - from BBC Bitesize Science.  A short animated video with quiz.  Be aware that the Bitesize Science videos are produced in England so some of their words might seem strange to you - "revising" instead of "reviewing" or "naught" instead of "zero."

The atmosphere - from NASA.  Follow the links at the bottom to explore each layer. 

Layers of the atmosphere - be sure to click on the links in the text for further information. 

Meteor shower information from NASA

First up - a song!

Did you ever wonder how much air there is?

Our atmosphere is escaping!

A video of the largest barometer in the world.  There is a reason we don't use water in a barometer!

The information in this short barometer video will also be useful when we get to the modules on weather.
If you don't understand the difference between the homosphere and the heterosphere, watch this video that explains the difference between a homogeneous mixture and a heterogeneous mixture.

Fun with air pressure!

What happens when there is no air?

Auroras seen from the International Space Station:

An aurora explanation:

One more aurora video:

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