Module 6

The Earth and the Lithosphere 

Further Your Knowledge

Dynamic Earth - a multi-page, interactive animation of the earth's structure and movement 

BBC Bitesize Science - the first part of this animation deals with the earth's structure and seismic.  The second part discusses sound waves and will be helpful in module 14.
Volcano Explorer - from Discovery Kids.  Learn about volcanoes and set conditions to construct your own eruptions.

Earthquake Information by State - from the U.S. Geological Survey -  Find out detailed earthquake information by state.  Also click around the site, especially the real time earthquake map link, to find out just how active the earth is. 

A new idea about the earth's core.

Is the earth's core hotter than we thought? 

What would happen if you jumped through the center of the earth? 

Can we predict earthquakes?

Now, if we had a lot of corn starch ....

Why does the earth have layers?
(interesting theory on how the earth came to be)

The core of the earth

Magnetic field reversal in the earth 

Three songs:

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