Module 8

Weather and its Prediction

Further Your Knowledge
Weather History - here is the Weather Underground history page again, if you need it for weather data. 

There used to be all of these great Discovery Channel videos on cool weather stuff, but they disappeared.  Instead, start with this video on tornado alley basics from Storm Chasers, then see what other related videos are on the page.

Which tells you more  - dew point or relative humidity? 

Some excellent photos of snowflakes moments before they disappear

Here is an activity on predicting and reporting the weather.  It is under "Games - Member Games".  My students may email me for the login information.

These first videos all have a Van de Graaff generator, which can be used to create sparks (lightning!).

And for fun, Mythbusters makes a Van de Graff generator

The science of snowflakes

How does science make snow?
Where does the smell of rain come from?

We don't talk about liquification of the ground, but this can happen with earthquakes.

How to survive a lightning strike

What happens if you are struck by lightning?

Why are there clouds?

Why do clouds stay up?

Hurricane info from NASA

What is EL Nino and how does it affect weather prediction?

NASA explains predicting the weather

Why do tornadoes seem to hate the United States?

A song about hurricanes and twisters

And finally, a little bit of fun.  Watch what happens when the weatherman's tie is the same color as the green screen.  I particularly like this because it's from a station in my home town.

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